The SoftServer
TOFFEE SoftServer

TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

Written by: Kiran Kankipati - Published: 31-May-2017


Server Specs
OS/DistroUbuntu 1604 LTS x86-64 Server
VM PlatformOracle VM VirtualBox
GUIInstalled (xfce4)
GCC CompilerInstalled
Default user(s)master (password: welcome)
admin (password: welcome)
LAMPInstalled (default mysql root password: welcome)
Php Version7.0.x
VBoxGuestAdditionsInstalled (for max VM screen-size)
Misc. AppsBluefish (lightweight IDE), Vim, etc

DOWNLOAD [1.6 GB]TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

To Install: Download the tar-ball and extract the same in your desired location. In the VirtualBox select Machine->Add and select the .vbox file in the VM folder (extracted tar-ball).

NOTE: Before you boot into the same, adjust the VM's CPU cores (and RAM) according to your host system's hardware capabilities/specs. Optionally you can also set multiple LAN ports for each specific purpose.

NOTE: For basic overall documentation you can refer one of the old releases over HERE. You can ignore the installation steps specific to that version or release format. But the rest of the steps will give you a complete picture.

NOTE: For more information about my lab VM setup kindly refer my video article DOCUMENTATION :: Setting up a WAN Emulator within VirtualBox.
TOFFEE-Mocha LAB test Topology

TOFFEE-Mocha TOFFEE-SoftServer VM.
01 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

TOFFEE-Mocha GUI configuration portal. Default username root and password welcome
02 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

TOFFEE-Mocha Home.
03 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

TOFFEE-Mocha Port Settings.
04 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

TOFFEE-Mocha setting the dedicated management port.
05 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

TOFFEE-Mocha configuration of same via wizard.
06 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

TOFFEE-Mocha setting LAN port.
07 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

TOFFEE-Mocha setting WAN port.
08 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

TOFFEE-Mocha wizard successfully completed.
09 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

TOFFEE-Mocha updated ports settings.
10 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

DEMO: TOFFEE-Mocha new Jitter feature.
NOTE: For more information about the new Jitter feature kindly refer an indepth article about the same TOFFEE-Mocha Documentation :: TOFFEE-Mocha - Jitter feature.
11 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

This is my pfSense router via which the VM network is routed.
12 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

Here is my VirtualBox VMs (my entire lab testing/development infrastructure).
13 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

Here is my end test PC connected to TOFFEE-Mocha and eventually to pfSense router.
14 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

Downloading a sample large tar-ball from host-PC (physical system) smb share to VM test PC via TOFFEE-Mocha and pfsense router).
15 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

Due to the TOFFEE-Mocha delay set (in this case bandwidth jitter) the rate of data-transfer is limited and often mimics poor quality of network service.
16 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

Here is my pfSense router connected from Management port of TOFFEE-Mocha.
17 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

Diagnosing network performance.
18 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

Due to the TOFFEE-Mocha jitter you can see fluctuating performance. In this case it is fluctuating between 1ms-5ms at a jitter factor of 1. Jitter factor of 1 denotes more frequent turbulence/jitter.
19 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

Changing the Jitter factor, min and max delays results in a different WAN performance curve. Notice the way it is different than the previous network performance curve.
20 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2
21 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

TOFFEE-Mocha ifconfig output.
22 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

Here is the source code of the same(TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3) in case if you are interested.
23 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2
24 Screenshot TOFFEE-Mocha-1.1.3 TOFFEE-SoftServer v1.2

TOFFEE SoftServer - v7.35 :: Updated: 01-Mar-2018 :: © 2025 :: Author: Kiran Kankipati